Randy HansonPreferred Name
Randy (H) Age 58 ( July 7) Where did you grow up? Winona MN ( class of 76) When did you become a member of Mi5 Fitness? Started in July of 2016 What do you do when you are not at Mi5? I am a Tool & Die Maker . I build metal stamping dies. For a manufacturing com , in Lakeville MN. I also am a High School Football official and I am working on expanding into officiating at the college level. I enjoy some hunting and traveling to Green Bay WI to attend Packer football games. How did you find out about Mi5? Dave (Kegger) McKeag mentioned to my wife that he worked out here and liked the environment (My wife works for Dave). So I thought I would try it out, I am truly glad I did . When/How did you realize CrossFit/Mi5 was the right fit for you? When I started the first month, it was a battle and I was not sure this was for me. I even asked DJ one night if I should even be here, he just smiled and said yes. The support and encouragement by all the trainers( they all really care that you are here) and other members keep me coming back. I am still learning how to be a cross fitter. What is your favorite WOD/movement? I can not say that I have a favorite . What is your least favorite WOD/movement? I do not have a least favorite, although I am not a big fan of running or assault bike, not very good at either one What would your perfect WOD look like? Do not have a perfect WOD yet . Always feel good when I can finish What is one thing you have been able to accomplish since starting at Mi5 that you never thought you'd be able to do? The Olympic lifts where all new to me so that was a challenge especially overhead squats, but I have made progress, I have weight on the bar now, OH, and lets not forget YOGA, never thought I would do that. What motivates you to stay fit? Being able to move as a football official and help to off set father time. And I do enjoy going to the gym What is something about you that Mi5 members do not yet know? Married to my high school sweet heart for 38 years Have three children Jordan 35 Chad 32 Amanda 30. Worked at an ice arena and drove the Zamboni . What advice would you give to someone just getting started at Mi5? MI5 is a good place to be, all of the trainers, coaches, are awesome the environment is very supportive. Stay with it, trust the process .
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