Warm Up
Mobility Dynamic Flex Activation 12 minutes working on 2/2 TGU 12 Hollow Rock 15 Banded Good Morning WOD AMRAP 20 2 Rope Climb 12 KBS 70/53 22 Cal Row
Warm Up
Hip Mobility + General Dynamic Flex Activation Coach's Choice WOD Teams of 3 AMRAP 25 100 Cal Row 50 Thrusters 75/55 100 Cal Row 50 Thrusters 95/65 100 Cal Row 50 Thrusters 115/80 100 Cal Row Max Thrusters 135/95 Warm Up
General Dynamic Flex + Ladders Activation Front Rack to Back Rack presses 4x10 total WOD "Three Wise Men" AMRAP 3 3 Power Clean 95/65 3 Front Squat 3 Shoulder to Overhead REST 3:00 AMRAP 3 3 Power Clean 115/80 3 Front Squat 3 Shoulder to Overhead REST 3:00 AMRAP 3 3 Power Clean 135/95 3 Front Squat 3 Shoulder to Overhead Warm Up
General Dynamic Flex Activation Coach's Choice Strength A1) Strict Dip 5x5 A2) KB Front Rack Carry 5x200ft WOD AMRAP 15 12 Box Jump 30/24 9 Power Snatch 95/65 6 Ring Dip *Pick a box height that is not your usual box height. Challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone. Feel free to use plates in order to get the exact height you are looking for. COACH DJ TURNS 24!!!!!!!
Warm Up General Dynamic Flex Activation Booty Bands + With a partner Row 1992 meters Strength Hang Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 WOD Buy In: Your age - 24 in Burpees then.. 24 Bear Complexes (you choose the weight) Cash Out: Your age -24 in Burpees Warm Up
General Dynamic Flex Activation 4 Random Test of Fitness 1) Find max distance broad jump 2) Find max height box jump 3) Find max unbroken L-sit hold/hang 4) Find max double/single unders in 3 minutes WOD "Jacked Frost" 3RFT 25 Cal Row 20 Bench Press 115/80 15 Weighted Med Ball Sit Up 10 Strict Pull Up Warm Up
General Dynamic Flex Activation Banded Good Mornings H.S Hold Pigeon Pose on High Box Strength Deadlift 4x2 WOD 5RFT 7 Deadlift 205/145 25 Air Squat 7 HSPU *Pick a Deadlift weight that is a tough set of 7. Shouldn't have to break up the set, but also shouldn't fly through it without thinking twice about it "The Next Objective" http://www.thenextobjective.org
The ObjectiveTNO is a combat veteran-run initiative committed to empowering our returning service members to overcome obstacles and achieve post-military success.Mission; Engage. Encourage. Empower.The Next Objective aims to engage our returning warriors, seeks to encourage them in new and challenging endeavors designed to inspire confidence, and intends to empower them to once again recognize their inherent abilities and seize their full potential in a new life outside of the armed forces. Fundraising efforts will include but not be limited to awarding grants for:
Warm Up Dynamic Flexibility Activation Workout Movement Rehersal Workout "The Next Objective WOD" 40 minutes Total - It's Four (A,B,C,D) - 8 minute AMRAPS And Two (A & B) - 4 minute Partner AMRAPS A. - 8 mins A1 - Pull-Ups 5 A2 - MB Wall Ball 10 A3 - Kettle Bell Swings 15 B. - 8 mins B1 - BB Cleans 5 B2 - Box Jumps 10 B3 - Knees to Chest 15 C. - 8 mins C1 - BB Front Squats 5 C2 - Hand Release Push Ups 10 C3 - Loaded Carry Series D. - 8 mins D1 - BB Push Press 5 D2 - Sit Outs 10 D3 - Air Squats 15 (Rest 2 mins) Partner Workouts - 4 min Each A. 5 Burpees & 5 Pull Ups B. 1x Run Lap & Push Ups Cool Down Foam Roll & Stretch Warm Up
Lax Ball Smash + General Dynamic Flex Activation Dowel movements + Burgener Warm Up Strength 5 sets 2 Drop Snatches + 1 Overhead Squat WOD 4RFT 5 Burpee Pull Up 10 OHS 95/65 15 Box Jump Overs 24/20 Warm Up
General Dynamic Flex + Coach's Game Activation Tabata Hand Taps & One foot jump rope Strength Bench Press 8-8-8-8 WOD 3RFT 80 DU 40 H.R Push Up 20 KBS 72/45 |
ProgrammerD.J. Hillier Archives
December 2018
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