Warm Up
Coach's Hip Mobility Activation Booty Band Series Skill EMOMX7 1 Rope Climb OR EMOMX7 4-6 Pistol Squats WOD 3RFT 400m Run 20 Back Squat 135/95 Accessory Work Decline Ring Rows 3x12
Warm Up
Dynamic Flex Wrist Mobility Activation 10 UB Double Unders 10 Supermans 3x Strength Build to a heavy TnG Clean Double WOD 7 Rounds On The 2:00 5 Hang Power Clean 40 Double Unders *Build in weight each set Warm Up
Coach's Mobility Dynamic Flex Activation 5 sets 3 Broad Jumps For Distance Rest as needed between sets WOD For Time 5 T2B 20 Wall Ball 20/14 10 T2B 15 Wall Ball 15 T2B 10 Wall Ball 20 T2B 5 Wall Ball Accessory work 4x6/6 Heavy DB Bent Over Row Warm Up
Coach's Choice Activation Tabata Hollow Rock Tabata Push Up Tibet Box Jump Over WOD 2RFT 3 DL 245/135 6 C2B 5 DL 10 C2B 7 DL 14 C2B Post WOD Group Stretch Coach's note: For activation, this will be 3 separate tabata session. Feel free to rest in-between but remember each movement will take 4 minutes to complete the 8 rounds. For box jump overs, athletes should pick a relatively smaller box and jump completely over the box without touching the top of it. They will then turn right around and repeat the same movement for :20 on and :10 off. As for the WOD, the goal here is to go heavy. This workout isn't meant to be super fast but rather move at a constant rate with a heavy load. Don't forget that it's two rounds and Rx asks for C2B Pull Ups. Warm Up
Banded Lat Stretch 2min/side Dynamic Flex Activation 4 sets Row 10/8 calories AFAP rest as needed Strength EOMOMX10 5 Push Press WOD AMRAP 13 25 Ab-Mat Sit Ups 20 KBS 53/35 15 Cal Row Warm Up
Mobility Recovery From 16.5 Coach's Game Activation Hollow Holds Banded Good Mornings Lunge w/ Twist WOD 6 Rounds, on the 3:00 400m run OR 5 laps 10 T2B Warm Up
Dynamic Flex Long Mobility Sesion- Coach's Choice Activation 5x1 Seated Box Jump For Max Height WOD 6RFT 10x KBS 53/35 10x Lateral Burpee Box Jump Over 20/18 Rest 1:30 Score is total amount of time to compete workout + the rest time. Warm Up
Dynamic Flex Ankle Mobility Activation EMOMX8 1 R Turkish Get Up + 1 L Turkish Get Up Strength A) Back Squat 5x4 B) Strict Press 5x4 Accessory work 3RNFT Reverse Fly x12 Evil Wheel x10 Warm Up
Dynamic Flex Shoulder Mobility (Internal External) Activation Partner Med Ball Series WOD -Partner WOD- 24min AMRAP Run 6 Laps (each) DB Snatch 60 reps (Split however, one athlete works at a time) Run 5 Laps (each) T2B 50 reps (Split however, one athlete works at a time) Run 4 Laps (each) Deadlift 40 reps 155/105 (Split however, one athlete works a time) Post WOD Partner Stretch Warm Up
Dynamic Flex- Hip Focus Activation Team Sled Sprints Strength Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1 WOD "Energetic Elizabeth" 21-15-9 SQUAT clean 135/95 Ring Dip Post WOD Cool down stretch Coach's note: One more week of the open. Plan on the last Friday Night Lights to go out with a bang. First heat will start at 6pm per usual. Hope to see everyone there!! It's almost over!! |
ProgrammerD.J. Hillier Archives
December 2018
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