30 minutes of continuous movement of: 1st 15 minutes: A1 - Sit to Stand 5 A2 - Elevated Push-Up 10 A3 - Pull-Up 5 A4 - Sit-Outs 5/5 A5 - Farmer Carry 40 meters 2nd 15 minutes: B1 - Goblet Squat 10 B2 - DB Flat Press 10 B3 - DB Row 10 B4 - Band Core Rotation 10/10 B5 - Jump Lunges 5/5 ____________________________________________________ Tuesday 30 minutes of continuous movement: 1st 15 minutes: A1 - Walking Lunge 10/10 A2 - Band Chest Press 20 A3 - Band Lateral Walk 10/10 A4 - TRX Rows 10 + TRX Roll Outs 10 2nd 15 minutes: B1 - Box Step-Ups 5/5 B2 - Elevated Push Up 10 B3 - Lateral Lunge 5/5 B4 - Renegade Rows 5/5 B5 - Dead Bug Holds 5/5 _____________________________________________________ Wednesday 30 minutes: (3 minutes Rest Between Rounds) 1st - 10 minutes do: A1 - Floor Core Series 10/10/10 A2 - Floor Hip Series 10/10/10 A3 - Dead Lift to Calf Raise 20 2nd - 10 minutes do: B1 - Ab Roll Outs 10 + 5 Push Ups B2 - Reverse Lunges 5/5 + 5/5 Step Ups B3 - Jump Rope 50 3rd - 10 minutes do: C1 - Box Jump Progression 5 C2 - Power Step Ups 5/5 C3 - 1/2 Kneeling Core Band Anti-Rotation 10/10 C4 - Single Arm KB Swings 5/5 ___________________________________________________ Thursday A. 40-20 Work Rest 12 minutes: A1 - 5 Burpees + Jump Rope A2 - 15 KB Swings + Jumping Jacks A3 - 5 Wall Ball + TRX Rows B. 40-20 Work Rest 12 minutes: (All 3 Rounds, then Transition) B1 - Line Hops 15/15 B2 - 5 Push Ups + Air Squats B3 - 5 Med Ball Slam + Shuttle Run B4 - 1st set: Farmer Carry 2nd set: Lunge 3rd set: Run
4 week Strength & Conditioning
Monday Warm Up: A. Dynamic + Movement Drills Activation: 20 -10 work rest A. Med Ball Drills B. Band - Upper Body Resistance Drills Strength: 4 sets of- A1 - Back Squats 7-10 A2 - Box Jumps 10 B1 - DB Single Leg Squats 6/6 B2 - Push Ups (Neg) - MMF C1 - 5x 30m Sprints C2 - Active Stretches Skill: Double Unders, Hand Stands & Spiderman Crawl ________________ Tuesday Warm Up: A. Dynamic + Movement Drills Activation: 20 -10 work rest A. 2 Core Exercises B. 2 Hip Exercises Strength: 4 Sets of- A1 - 1 Arm DB Rows 10/10 A2 - Walking Lunges 10m/10m B1 - 1 Arm DB Clean & Press 5/5 B2 - Renegade Rows 10/10 Conditioning: 6 Minute AMRAP of- (Each week make Harder) C1 - Skill Exercises (Athlete Picks / Coach sets rep count) C2 - Jump Lunges 5/5 + 5 Jump Squats _________________ Wednesday Warm Up: A. Dynamic + Movement Drills Activation: 8 minute AMRAP of- A1 - Band Walks 10m/10m A2 - TRX Rows 10 A3 - 30 Jump Rope A4 - Spiderman Crawls 10m/10m Strength: 4 Sets of- A1 - Bench Press 7-10 A2 - Band Rotation 10/10 + MB Toss 10/10 B1 - 1/2 Kneeling 1 Arm DB Press 8/8 B2 - 15 Sit Ups + 30 second Hollow Hold C1 - Farmer Carry C2 - Box Jumps 10 Skill: Double Unders, Rope Climbs & Single Balance Drills __________________ Thursday Warm Up: Game Activation: 20 -10 work rest A. KB Swings Strength: 4 Sets of- A1 - BB Dead Lift 5 A2 - Pull-Ups (Strict Negatives MMF) A3 - Dowel OverHead Squats 10 B1 - Ball DB Alternating Arm Press 8/8 B2 - RFE Split Squats 8/8 Conditioning: 6 Minute AMRAP of- (Each week make Harder) C1 - MB Slams 10 C2 - Sprint Shuttle C3 - Burpees 10 Mi-Edge (Fall Session Sept. 11th - 28th) 3 Week Base Strength & Conditioning __________________________________________________ Monday Warm-Up: Mobility Dynamic Flexibility Part A -12 minutes work A1 - DB Dead Lift - 5 A2 - Elevated Push Up - MMF A3 - CrossOver Symmetry - 20 A4 - Coaches Core Exercise Part B - 8 minutes work B1 - MB Box Step Up to Balance 5/5 B2 - Plank Hold - 30 seconds B3 - TRX Rows - MMF at 45 degrees or less Part C - C1 - For Time: 150 Jump Rope + 200 meter Sprint _________________________________________________ Tuesday Warm-Up: A. Game B. Core Circuit Part A - 10 minutes A1 - Row 30 seconds A2 - Farmer Carry A3 - Air Bike 30 seconds Part B - 10 minutes B1 - Goblet Squats 10 B2 - Side Plank 10/10 + 5/5 Sit Outs B3 - One Arm DB Row 10/10 Part C - 5 minutes C1 - 5 Burpees C2 - 10 Sit-Ups _______________________________________________ Wednesday Warm-Up: A. Mobility Part A & B - 10 minute EMOMs A1 - Flutter Kicks A2 - Walking Lunge B1 - Dowel Overhead Squats B2 - Pull-Up Improvement Part C - 8 minute AMRAP C1 - Jump Rope 50 C2 - 5/8/12 Push Ups C3 - 10 MB Slams _________________________________________________ Thursday Warm Up: Coaches Choice Part A - 12 minutes work A1 - Back Squats 5 A2 - DB Shoulder Press 6/6 A3 - CrossOver Symmetry 20 A4 - Band Walks Part B - 10 minute Cap B1 - Run 400m, 200m, 100m, 50m, Shuttle 25m B2 - TRX Rows 10 Part C - Coaches Choice 5 week - Strength, Skill & Endurance & Games
2 week - Movement, Skill & Conditioning 3 week - Strength, Power & Skills ___________________________________________________________ 2 weeks Week of: July 31st - Aug 7th Monday - Focus on Skill & Drills after Workout Weds - Focus on Long Warm Up Mondays & Wednesdays Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes A. 15 Minutes of Every Minute on the Minute of: Start a new exercise every minute. Move quickly to transition to the next exercise and rest til the start of a new minute. A1- Alt. Single Leg Dead Lift & Balance 7/7 A2 - Legs 90 degrees Wall Sits 45 seconds A3 - Reverse Lunge with Bicep Curl 7/7 A4 - 20 Banded Chest Press + 5 Slow Push Ups A5 - 30 Banded Rows B. Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes complete: B1 - 30/20 Static Bear Crawl B2 -20/15 Air Squats B3 - 15/10 Push Ups Cool-Down: 5 - 10 minutes ___________________________________________________________ 2 weeks Week of: July 31st - Aug 7th Tuesday - Focus on Skills before Workout Thursday - Focus on Games after Workout Tuesday & Thursdays Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes A. 15 minutes of: As Many Rounds as Possible of: A1 - 5 Burpees A2 - RFE (rear foot elevated) Split Squats 5/5 A3 - Banded Rows 25 A4 - MB (medball) Thruster 10 A5 - Dead Bug 20 B. Two Exercise Circuits of: 20 seconds Work & 10 seconds Rest 1st 8 Round Interval: Air Squats with Calf Raise TRX Rows 2nd 8 Round Interval: Box Step Up to Curl Box Elevated Push Up Cool-Down: 5 - 10 minutes _____________________________________________________________ Next 3 weeks Mondays - Aug. 14th, 21st & 28th Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes A. 4 Sets of: (30 second Go's or the # of reps listed) *Rest as Needed A1 - 12 DB Goblet Squats A2 - 12 DB Chest Press A3 - 6/6 Renegade Rows + 6 Push Ups B. 4 Sets of: *Rest as little as possible B1 - 15 KB Swings B2 - 5/5 DB Thruster (R&L) B3 - 15 Hanging Knees to Chest C. 9 minutes AMRAP of: C1 - 2x Speed Ladder Drill C2 - 9 TRX Rows C3 - 9/9 Band Rotation (R&L) C4 - 9 DB Reverse Flys Cool-Down: 5 - 10 minutes ________________________________________________________________ Tuesdays - Aug. 15th, 22nd & 29th Warm Up: 5 -10 minutes A. 5 Sets of: A1 - 1 min. AMRAP of: 5 Push Ups & 10 Squats A2 - 20 Reverse Lunges A3 - 20 TRX Rows B. 5 Sets of: B1 - 1 min. AMRAP of: 3 Burpees & 6 Sit Outs B2 - 10 DB Bent Over Rows B3 - 5/5 Side Lunges C. 7 minutes of: C1 - 20 meters Butt Kicks + Back Pedal 20 meters C2 - 10 DB Shoulder Press C3 - 20 Hollow Rocks Cool-Down: 5 - 10 minutes _______________________________________________________________ Wednesday - Aug. 16th, 23rd & 30th Warm Up: Floor Stretching A. 5 Sets of: A1 - Goblet Squats with Calf Raise 12 A2 - Farmer Carry 40 meters A3 - Inverted Rows 12 B. 9 minutes AMRAP of: B1 - 6/6 Box Step Ups with DB Curl B2 - 6 Burpees B3 - 12/12 Band Rotation C. 6 minute Core Circuit of: C1 - 20 Hollow Rocks C2 - 10/10 Dead Bugs C3 - 30 Mountain Climbers Cool-Down: 5 - 10 minutes ________________________________________________________________ Thursday - Aug. 17th, 24th & 31st Warm Up: Mobility & Drills Activation - Core Circuit (5 minutes) A. Strength - Athlete Picks 2 exercises for 5 sets Each in EMOM format A1 - Athlete Picks (reps below 10) A2 - Athlete Picks (reps below 10) B. Skills & Games **Set up stations for a variety of movement patterns & challenges** Monday
Warm Up A. Flexibility Series B. Dynamic Movements Part 1 - Strength 5 sets of: A1 - DB Walking Lunge 10/10 A2 - Box Jumps 5 A3 - Push Up 10 + Partner MB Chest Pass 10 A4 - Stability Ball Hamstring Curls 10 B1 - 5 Sprints 40m (Rest: walk back to start) Part 2 - Coaches Game Tuesday Warm Up A. Jump Rope + Band Circuit B. Core Circuit Part 1 - Strength 5 sets of: A1 - DB Chest Press 8 A2 - Back Squats 8 A3 - Band Rotation 8/8 Part 2 - Conditioning EMOM for 10 minutes of: A1 - Wall Ball Partner Toss 6/6 A2 - 20 Sit Outs Wednesday Warm Up A. Flexibility Series B. Dynamic Movements Part 1 - Strength 5 sets of: A1 - Dead Lift 8,8,6,6,4 A2 - TRX Rows 10 A3 - Side Planks 15/15 A4 - Push Ups 10 Part 2 - Coaches Game Thursday Warm Up A. Dynamic Movements B. Skills 10-15 minutes Part 1 - Strength 3 sets of: A1 - RFE Split Squats 10/10 A2 - Sit Ups 20 A3 - DB Shoulder Press 10 A4 - Hanging Knees to Chest 15 Part 2 - 5 minutes Each of: A. Rower for Distance B. 40 Jump Rope + 10 Push Ups AMRAP C. Air Bike 5 Cals + Farmer Carry -Down & Back AMRAP 3 Week Programs in 3 Phases of 3 weeks
1st - Stability & Strength 2nd - Strength & Skills 3rd - Max Strength & Power Warm Up & Activation A. Dynamic with 1 Balance Exercise B1 - M&W - Hip & Core Movements B2 - T&TH - Shoulders & Core Movements Workouts Monday Focus - Eccentric Tempo Movements 10 minute EMOMs of: A1 - Goblet Squats to Calf Raise A2 - Push Up with Shoulder Tap B1 - MB Clean B2 - TRX Rows C1 - Jump Rope C2 - Plank & Reach Tuesday Focus - Progression of Intensity 4 Strength Circuits for 6 minutes A1 - MB Single Leg Dead Lift 6/6 A2 - 1/2 Kneeling MB Core Rotation 10/10 A3 - DB Alternating Chest Press B1 - KB Dead Lift 15 B2 - Reverse Lunge 7/7 B3 - Pull-Up Improvement 7 C1 - KB Swing 10 C2 - Bear Crawl - 20m C3 - Jump Rope 50 D1 - Box Jump 6 D2 - Farmer Carry 40m D3 - Alternating Superman 8/8 Wednesday Focus - Eccentric Tempo Movements 25 minutes of Work A1 - Back Squat 10,8,6,4 A2 - 2 Consecutive Sets of T-Drill A3 - DB Push Press 8 A4 - Rope Climb 1x A5 - Hanging Knees to Chest 20 + 10 Floor Knee Grabs A6 - One Arm Row 8/8 Thursday Coaches Choice of Stability, Skills & Drills Formats: EMOM, AMRAPs & Chippers with 1 Part Strength Movement Pattern 3 Week Strength & Conditioning
Warm Ups A. Mobility & Floor Stretching B. Dynamic & Movement Drills C. Coach's Choice of: 3 set Core Exercises Mondays Part 1: Strength (4 sets of A,B) A1 - One Arm DB Squats 6/6 A2 - 1/2 Kneeling Cable Rows 10/10 A3 - MB Wall Ball 8 B1 - Back Squats 10,8,6,4 B2 - TRX Rows 12 B3 - Box Jumps 6 Part 2: Conditioning C1 - Start with: Row 350m for time Rest 1 min then C2- 21-15-9 of: Air Squats & Push Ups Tuesday Part 1: Strength (4 sets of A,B) A1- Bench Press 10,8,6,4 A2 - DB Single Leg Dead Lift 5/5 A3 - MB Slams 10 B1 - BB Dead Lift 5 B2 - Box Dips - MMF B3 - Supermans 10 Part 2: Conditioning C1 - 3 Rounds of: (Down & Back) Walking MB Lunge & 15 KB Swings then 400m Run then 30 Sit Ups Wednesday Part 1: Strength (3 sets of A,B) A1 - Box Step Ups 6/6 A2 - DB Alt. Shoulder Press 6/6 A3 - 1x Rope Climb A4 - Knees to Chest 15 B1 - Goblet Squat 10 B2 - Pull-Ups - MMF B3 - Push Ups - MMF B4 - Sit Outs 20 Part 2: Conditioning 3 Rounds of: C1 - Sled Push Sprints (Down & Back) C2 - Air Bike 20 seconds work - 10 rest Thursday Part 1: Strength (3 sets of A,B) A1 - Back Squats 10,8,6 A2 - Run 150m B1 - Single Leg Box Lowering 6/6 B2 - DB Push Press 10 C1 - Plank & Reach 10/10 C2 - Flutter Kicks 20/20 D1 - Landmine Core Rotation 10/10 D2 - One Arm DB Rows 10/10 Part 2: Conditioning 10 minutes of: C1 - 20 Double Unders / 60 singles C2 - 8 MB Squat Cleans 4 Week Program
2 Ability Levels 2 Days Skill / Conditioning (2 per week, for 4 weeks = 8 total) 2 Days Strength (2 per week, for 4 weeks = 8 total) Each Week Alternates Cycle (Strength Days & Conditioning Days) __________________________________________________________________________________ Warm Up Strength Days - Patterns of Movement Conditioning Days - Full Body Dynamic Activation Strength Days - 6 Shuttle Sprints then Warm Up Sets to Strength Exercises Conditioning Days - 2x Core Circuits (10-12 minutes) A1 - Sagital Plane A2 - Frontal Plane A3 - Transverse Plane __________________________________________________________________________________ Strength Day Workouts - (Progress Difficultly Each Week) + (Record Numbers & Sets) 12 minute EMOM workouts per Station: Weeks (Day A) A1 - RFE Split Squat - 8/8 A2 - Pull-Ups -MMF A3 - Sled Push - 1x B1- Front Squat - 5 B2 - Renegade Rows 8/8 B3 - Box Jumps - 5 C1 - DB Push Press - 8 C2 - Walking Lunge - Down & Back C3 - Band Lateral Partner Walks - Down & Back Weeks (Day B) A1 - Dead Lift - 5 A2 - Bench Press - 8 B1 - Box DB Step-Up 5/5 B2 - 1/2 Kneeling DB Press - 8/8 B3 - Back Squat - 5 C1 - Incline Press - 8 C2 - Long Jump - 5 C3 - One Arm DB Row - 8/8 ___________________________________________________________________________________ Conditioning Day Workouts - #1 & #5 Skill - Cleans (15 minutes) WOD - 15 minute AMRAP of: A1 - KB Swings 15 A2 - TRX Rows 10 A3 - Burpees 8 A4 - Air Bike 6 Cals ____________________________ #2 & #6 Skill - Rope Climbs + Double Under Practice (12 minutes) WOD - 15 minute AMRAP of: 10 - KB Swings 20 - Double Unders 20 - Band Rows 1 - Rope Climb _____________________________ #3 & #7 Part 1 - Coach Choice 2x Tabata with 2 exercises each Part 2 - 21 minutes of Intervals EMOM of: 30 Seconds Work - 30 seconds Transition A1 - Rower A2 - Air Bike A3 - Shuttle Run with Dynamic Movements (Butt Kicks, Shuttle, CrossOver, Skip) ___________________________ #4 & #8 Part 1 - 10 minute AMRAP of: A1 - 150m Rower A2 - 10 Push Ups A3 - 10 Box Jumps A4 - 10 MB Slams Part 2 - 20 minute EMOM of: B1 - 50 Jump Rope B2 - 8/8 Walking Lunges B3 - 8 DB Push Press B4 - 12 Inverted Rows B5 - 200m Run Warm Up
Roll - Run - Stretch - Dynamic Part 1 Monday (20 - 10 Work Rest) 2 Groups of: A & B A1 - MB Toss R&L 5/5 A2 - MB Foot Taps B1 - Band Chest Press B2 - Band Rows Tuesday (8 minute AMRAP) A1- 4x Speed Ladder A2- 3x Box Jump Progression (12 - 18 - 12 Inch Jumps) to Hurdles Hops A3- Bear Crawl Down & Crab Walk Back A4- 12 TRX Rows Wednesday (45 - 15 Work Rest) (2 sets then transition x3) A. - Box Leg Lowers (R&L) B. - Single Leg Dead Lift (R&L) C. - Jump Rope Thursday (8 minute AMRAP) A1 - 8 Parrellet Push Ups A2 - 8 MB Cleans + 6/6 MB Reverse Lunge A3 - 8 Box Jumps A4 - 4x Speed Ladder Part 2 Strength Monday (20 mins of Work) A1 - DB Chest Press 10 A2 - Walking Lunge10/10 A3 - 100 Jump Rope A4 - Goblet Squats 10 A5 - DB Curl to Press 10 Tuesday (Part A- 10 mins & Part B- 10 mins) Part A A1 - Front Squat 5 A2 - 1 DB Bent Over Row 10/10 A3 - Plank & Reach 10/10 A4 - Burpees 10 Part B B1 - Box Step Up to Curl 5/5 (single leg balance) B2 - Slide Disk Hamstring Curls 10 or Swiss Ball B3 - Stir the Pot 5/5 + 5/5 B4 - Jumping Jacks 30 B5 - Battle Ropes - 20 Wednesday (20 mins of Work) A1 - DB Incline Press 10 A2 - Inverted Rows or Pull Ups (MMF) A3 - Ring or Box Dips (MMF) A4 - DB Dead Lift 10 A5 - Loaded Side Lunge R&L 5/5 Thursday (Part A- 10 mins & Part B- 10 mins) Part A A1 - Front Squat 5 A2 - BB or DB Bent Over Row 10/10 (use bench if needed) A3 - Side Plank with Arm Reach 10/10 A4 - Ab Rollers 10 A5- Swiss Ball DB Chest Press 8 Part B B1 - Box Step Up to Curl 5/5 (single leg balance) B2 - Slide Disk Hamstring Curls 10 B3 - Farmer Carry (Down & Back) B4 - Battle Ropes - 30 Conditioning - Monday - AMRAP of: Upper & Lower Tuesday - 12-10-8-6-4-2 of: Wall Ball & Shuttle Run Weds - AMRAP of: Core & Upper Thursday - Skills Day Warm Up:
Static Stretches Dynamic Stretches Activation: 10 minutes Each Day: Circuit Training Monday - Med Balls Toss, Hurdles Hops & Core Planks Tuesday - KB Swings, Walking Lunges & Push Ups Weds - Rowing & Jump Rope Thursday - Box Jumps & Rope Climbs Strength & Conditioning: Monday - A1 - Back Squats 8,8,6,6,4 A2 - Sled Push 1x A3 - Arm DB Rows 8/8 Conditioning - 7 minutes of: 10 - Air squats 50 - Jump Rope 1x Bear Crawl Tuesday A1 - Bench Press 8,8,6,6,4 A2 - DB Curl to Press 8 A3 - AB Roll Outs 15 Conditioning - Sprints: 200m 1x, 150m 1x, 100m 1x, 50m x2 (Rest 30 - 1 min. between sprints) Wednesday 25 minute Strength Circuit A1 - Goblet Squat to Calf Raise 10 A2 - Box Jumps 6 + 6/6 Plate Hops A3 - Side Plank & Shoulder Mobility 30 seconds per side A4 - Pull-Ups / Inverted Rows - MMF A5 - Lateral Lunge 6/6 A6 - Sit Outs 8/8 + 16 Low Back Supermans Conditioning - AMRAP minutes __________? A1- Run 2 Laps A2 - DB Thrusters 5 or 5 Wall Ball A3 - MB Slams 10 A4 - Sit Ups 10 Thursday A1 - Incline Press - 10,10,8,8,6 A2 - Famer Carry - 1x A3 - Dead Lift - 5 A4 - Push Up Core Stability Drill 8/8 Conditioning - Complete: 200m Row 200 Jump Rope 30 Jumping Jacks 30 Sit-Outs 30 TRX Rows 30 Alternating Lunges |
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