Warm Up
Mobility- Shoulders Dynamic Flex- Coach's Choice Activation 20/10 Air Squat & BB Push Press WOD Granite Games 16.2 17min AMRAP 50 Cal Row 50 Wall Ball 20/14 50 Shoulder to Overhead 115/85 50 Box Jump 24/20 Post WOD Bent Over Row 3x8
Warm Up Coach's Game Dynamic Flex Activation 20/10 Lateral Lunge CrossOver Symmetry WOD 5 Rounds 20 KBS 53/35 10 H.R Push Ups 5 Shuttle Run *EVERY TOUCH IS 1 REP, MUST TOUCH LINE Rest 3 Minutes Warm Up
Upper Body Mobility Dynamic Flex- Coach's Choice Activation 800m Run Time Trial *All scores need to be recorded on the board. Fastest score at the end of the month wins a Kill Cliff Strength BB Push Press 7x3 DB Bent over Rows 4x10/10 DB-Weighted Ab Mat Sit-Up 4x15 Warm Up
Lax Ball Smash 5-7min Dynamic Flex Activation 20 Minutes Working on Muscle Up Progressions (Rings and Bar) WOD 4RFT 400m Run 4 Muscle Ups (or whatever scaled option coach chooses for an athlete) 40 Double Unders *Coach's could scale the muscle ups to Ring Pull Ups, Ring Rows, Dips, Scaled Muscle Ups, etc) Warm Up
Mobility- Hips Dynamic Flex Strength Back Squat 5-5-5 WOD "Ground N' Pound" EMOMX20 Minute 1: Sled Push Down & Back Full Turf 90/45 Minute 2: 50m Farmer Carry 53/35 Minute 3: 13/10 Cal Bike (If you aren't on the assault bike, just pace off of the assault bike) Minute 4: 13/10 Cal Row Warm Up
Mobility Ladders Activation L-Sit Progressions WOD With a partner 125 Cal Row 100 Wall Ball 75 Power Clean 135/95 50 DB Snatch 45/30 10 Rope Climb 2 Jumping Toe Touch in Unison Warm Up
Mobility Dynamic Flex- Coach's Choice Activation Split Jerk Drills Strength EMOMX10 1 Clean & Jerk WOD "Granite Games Qualifier" Warm Up
Dynamic Flex-Coach's Choice Dodgeball Activation BW Lunge Seated L-Sit Progression x15 sec x3 WOD AMRAP 20 O.H Plate Walking Lunge x10 steps 45/25 Knees to Elbows x10 *Surprise 200m run on Coach Kyle's call :) CrossFit games 2007 and CrossFit games 2015 Warm Up
Mobility Dynamic Flex- Coach's Choice Activation 10 UB Double Unders 10 Scap Push Ups 10 Med Ball Side Tosses x3 Strength Bench Press 6x6 WOD AMRAP 9 Wall Ball x9 Double Under x27 Warm Up
Mobility Dynamic Flex- Coach's Choice Activation Glute Bridge Series Strength EMOMX4: 4 Deadlifts EMOMX3: 3 Deadlifts EMOMX2: 2 Deadlifts WOD Kyle's Challenge *Anybody who beats Kyle's time of 2:18 will receive 3 items from the fridge! Good luck and go hard! 3 RFT 9 Power Clean 135/95 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs |
ProgrammerD.J. Hillier Archives
December 2018
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