Starting January 9, Mi5 is offering a one-of-a-kind Kick Start program for anyone interested in joining a supportive community with trainers dedicated to helping you build a lasting, sustainable, and effective fitness and nutrition lifestyle. This program is for both the new and seasoned athlete, and will challenge you over 8 weeks to build the best version of you. REGISTER FOR The Kick Start Program HERE And what better way to complement this dynamic kick-start fitness program than with an additional challenge? Whether you are participating in the Kick Start program or are just looking for a fun and unique approach to a New Year, New You challenge, then join me and thousands of others in the Young Living Slique in 60 Challenge. The Slique in 60 challenge consists of two 60-day challenges, or a combined 120-day challenge, designed to help you focus on body transformation using our Slique in 60 pledge. The first 60-day challenge will run Monday, January 9–Friday, March 10. The second 60-day challenge will run Monday, March 13–Thursday, May 11. Complete either challenge or both and you’ll automatically get a prize. Finish the challenge with amazing results and you could get some big-time bonuses! JOIN US SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31 AT 9:00 A.M. AT MI5 FITNESS TO KICK THINGS OFF. WE’LL ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS YOU MIGHT HAVE ABOUT EITHER THE KICK START PROGRAM OR THE SLIQUE IN 60, AND FOR THOSE IN THE SLIQUE IN 60, KRISTIN WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR INITIAL MEASUREMENTS! More about the Slique in 60 challenge
The Slique line was created to help everyone find the healthy lifestyle they deserve. Some people look for weight management, others look for increased metabolism, and others look to build lean muscle.* Whatever your personal goal, the Slique in 60 challenge is your opportunity to try our revamped kits by committing to the Slique in 60 pledge, our everyday guarantee that you’ll love the results you get with our Slique products. Read the Official Rules here. YL Members who wish to join the challenge will need to make their declarations and set their goals by registering online via the above link. Registration for the first 60-day challenge ends January 9, and registration for the second 60-day challenge ends March 13. You don’t have to be a Young Living Member to participate, but the savings are huge if you are, PLUS you’re only eligible for prizes if you’re a member. To join YL, go to: Mi5 MEMBERS USE THIS CODE: 2843233 Here are your purchase options: 1) Premium starter kit ~160$ AND Slique Package TOAL PRICE = 220$ 2) 45$ Basic starter kit and Slique Package-110$ TOTAL PRICE = $155 3) Buy retail from YL, straight from the website~80$ pay retail price PLEASE CONTACT KRISTING HOGAN FOR ASSISTANCE WITH OR QUESTIONS ABOUT REGISTERING FOR THE SLIQUE IN 60 CONTEST Participants and winners will be separated into 3 age groups: 18–35, 36–50, and 50+. What are the prizes for the challenge? Once you complete the challenge, it’s time to celebrate! Individuals who complete the challenge will get: A Slique in 60 dri-fit shirt; $20–$30 estimated retail value (ERV) A limited-edition Slique in 60 pin Individuals who set and achieve their personal goals will get: 10 percent off their next purchase of Slique products (in addition to the 10 percent discount already offered on Slique collections) 60-day challenge—12 winners* with the largest transformations based on total inches and pounds lost will get: An Apple Watch; $250–$500 ERV $200 product credit Select 30 Oil Collection; $493.42 ERV *One male and one female winner from the three age groups for each 60-day challenge Combined 120-day challenge—6 winners* for the largest transformations based on total inches and pounds lost will get: ****$3,000 cash**** An Apple Watch; $250–$500 ERV ****Premier Aroma Collection; $2761.84 ERV**** *One male and one female winner from the three age groups for the combined 120-day challenge
We have heard it every holiday season. Be present. Don’t worry about presents, worry about being present. Focus on family and not things. What do you do each day, and especially around the holidays to stay grounded, mindful, and calm?
Accordingly to Nutrition Stripped, "If meditating seems too “hippy” or discovering your spirituality is new to you, or “freaks you out” as some say, take it slow. Mediation doesn’t have to be spiritual for you at all, it can be a means to rest your mind and hey, science has shown the powerful effects of mediation on our brain health, stress management, and general wellbeing. " I have practiced consistent yoga and meditation since 2012 and I can tell you first hand it is easy to do. It is also really easy not to do. I also have learned that every person is different for how we deal with stress, but there is so many overwhelming positive studies around mediation and yoga, it makes it hard to ignore. I challenge you to start. Start with 5 minutes of mindful quietness before you jump out of bed. Oh, you can’t do that? Try attending a yoga class, even for 30 minutes. Hmmmmmm……..still not grabbing your attention? I think I have the meditation for you! COLORING! Yes, coloring! Coloring can help: 1. cope with stress. 2. promotes creativity 3. refreshes memory 4. clear your mind 5. improve concentration 6. help boost self confidence 7. spark imagination 8. reduce anxiety What ways do you cope with stress? Leave a comment below. Happy Holidays With health and love, -Coach Kristin Are you tired of starting over year after year? Monday after Monday? Goal after goal? Well, it is that time of year…….the new year is upon us! Year after year, people make new year’s resolutions. The top five resolutions are the same every year, sometimes just with a little different wording.
Resolutions 2-5 appear in a different order depending on the article you're reading, but overwhelmingly our #1 resolution each year is to lose weight! But how many of us are actually successful with that? Why do some people LOSE weight and KEEP IT OFF and others find themselves starting over each and EVERY Monday morning? It's time to stop the endless loop of success and failure. My client, Emily Windschill, is an excellent example of how incorporating just 4 steps can make your 2017 different. This is what Emily says are the 5 secrets to her success: 1. I made the decision. I gained a lot of weight and saw myself going down a dark road so I said to myself I will do whatever it takes to get to my goals. I wanted to lose fat and gain lean mass. Honestly, my confidence and self image was at an all time low, and one day I just made the decision to change how unhappy I was with my lifestyle. 2. I incorporated the nutrition piece RIGHT AWAY. I was eating processed foods and not eating whole foods. I didn’t know what healthy foods really were. You hear so many conflicting ideas when it comes to “healthy”…so I did what everyone should do: 3. I listened to my trainer. I was eating out constantly and did not THINK I could cook. I am not a chef by any means, so working with Kristin and using recipes that tasted great, were easy to make, and that I actually liked was a huge win. I started meeting with a nutrition Coach Kristin back in March. We met weekly, and then bi weekly, and now meet monthly to do measurements, go over success and to stay on track. I followed the plan that we came up with together. The key was TOGETHER. She included my success, obstacles, limitations, lifestyle and she designed plan that was not short term fix, but for my life. We constantly change my goals, plan, we plan for holidays and eating out, and the plan KEEPS working. I KEEP steady on my plan and I was feel great. I have completely changed my eating habits. I LOVE VEGGIES NOW. And when I couldn’t prepare my meals, I incorporated Origin meals. 4. I commit to getting to the gym 4-6 times a week… no matter what. I met some amazing people through Mi5 who have also become an amazing support system, friends and cheerleaders. Working out has also become part of my routine, a huge part of my life and something I honestly can’t go a few days without. It is my stress reliever, and the gym is my happy place. I love the feeling I get from working out and having more energy! I love learning new things, challenging myself, and pushing myself to go further every day. I love the entire lifestyle. I now have more energy, sleep better (I am still working on this), have a more positive self image and love life! 5. Be OK with falling off track. Multiple times. Just. Keep. Going. If her words above aren't enough to get you going, here are Emily’s impressive body stats as an extra little motivation: 26.4 lbs…GONE. 105 mm of fat…GONE. 14% body fat…GONE. 5 pant sizes…GONE. Confidence…WELCOME BACK! Tune in next week for details on a huge 1-day “Solutions to Resolutions” workshop coming January 21st 2017. |
AuthorMi5 Staff Nutrition is integral to success, whether your goals are weight loss, general muscular toning, fat loss, performance, weight gain, or just maintaining a HEALTHY lifestyle. Mi5 nutrition coaching provides customized support for all people and all goals. Sign up today:
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