Attention Crossfitters!
We will now be entering into a new weightlifting cycle this week. As most of us know, the olympic lifts are very important if you want to be a successful CrossFit athlete. That being said, we will be going through an 8 week cycle to improve olympic mobility, technique, and overall strength. I will be dedicating Thursdays to work on technique with the snatch, clean & jerk, and other variations. A majority of our work will be based off of the percentages of your 1RM so it's very important that you guys test those movements this Thursday in class. I will also be programming very short WOD's on those Thursday's so you guys get a little bit of a sweat going :) Consider this a new challenge to get better at something that may be a weakness in your arsenal. Warm Up Shoulder Mobility Strength/Skill EMOMX12 Odd: 3-5 Pull Up with long eccentric Even: 3-5 HSPU WOD AMRAP 8 3,3,6,6,9,9,12,12.... DB Hang Snatch 40/30 Toes to Bar
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December 2018
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