Warm Up 200m Group Run Running Drills Warm Up Line Drills + Movement prep (KBS & Pull Ups) WOD "Eva" 5RFT 800m Run 30 KBS 72/53 30 Pull Ups *42 min time cap- Scale as needed!
Warm Up
Line Drills-Long + Empty BB Warm Up Mobility Front Rack Stretch Couch Stretch + Movement Prep and teaching for WOD WOD Teams of 3 (25 min cap) 400m Weighted Run 100 Deadlifts 155/105 400m Weighted Run 80 Hang Power Cleans 155/105 400m Weighted Run 60 Front Squats 155/105 400m Weighted Run 40 Shoulder to overhead 155/105 400m Weighed Run 20 Clusters 155/105 *Each weighted run will be performed with an empty barbell (45/35) and only one barbell will be assigned per team. Teams can trade the barbell off however they see fit. Barbell must stay in the back rack while athletes are on the run. Warm Up
:30 Jumping Jacks Push Up to down dog Active Sampson Active Spiderman Air Squats Inch worm x2 + Double Unders & Scap Pull Up Tabata Mobility Coach's Choice Strength Weighted Pull Up 6x3 *Find a tough way to do chin over bar or chest to bar pull ups and perform 6 sets of 3 WOD 10RFT 40 DU 2 Rope Climb Warm Up
Coach's Choice Mobility Ankle Foam Rolling Ankle Banded distraction stretch + Movement Prep and teaching for machines WOD 3 rounds 3:00 Max Cal Row 2:00 Max Cal Bike 1:00 Max Sit Up Rest 2 minutes Warm Up
:30 Med Ball Foot taps Inch Worm Active Spiderman :20 Single unders Air Squats Med ball deadlift :15 Double Unders Med Ball Front Squat Med ball push press + Barbell Warm Up Strength Deadlift to a heavy triple with double overhand grip WOD AMRAP 15 60 Double Unders/ 120 Singles 30 Wall Ball 20/14 15 Deadlifts 225/135 *Deadlift weight should be something athletes can do in 1-3 sets every round Warm Up
Line Drills-Long Mobility Ankles/Calves + Movement prep and teaching for WOD WOD For Time 800m Run 50/40 Cal AB 30 DB Box Step Over 24/20 *both feet must touch top of the box and both feet must come completely off the box 50/30# 50/40 Cal Row 800m Run Benchmark Monday!
Warm Up Partner Rowing 1000m each athlete doing 5 sets of 100 goal is to hit 100 meters each time + Line Drills Mobility Squat Hold 1 min Chest stretch 1 min + Movement prep and teaching for workout WOD "Cindy" AMRAP 20 5 Pull Up 10 Push Up 15 Air Squat Warm Up
Coach's Choice + Empty BB Warm Up Mobility Child's Pose PVC Pass through PVC OHS Strength 12-15 minutes to work on hang snatch technique WOD Teams of 2 8RFT 21/15 Cal Row 15 T2B 9 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 *Partner finishes full round before next parter can go Warm Up
Coach's Choice + Empty BB Warm Up Mobility Good morning x10-12 Side Plank :30 Glute Bridge x3 Strength Deadlift 10-8-6-4-2 WOD 5RFT 15 KBS 72/53 15 Burpees Warm Up
:30 Easy Row Active Sampson :30 Med Row Active Spiderman :30 Fast Row Push up to down dog Mobility Couch stretch Ankle Stretch + Movement Prep and practicing WOD Teams of 2 8RFT 400m Row 200m Med Ball Run *Partner completes full round before tagging next partner |
ProgrammerD.J. Hillier Archives
December 2018
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