Warm up Shoulder Mobility Activation Burgener Warm Up Double Under Practice Strength Hang Snatch 3-3-3-2-2-2 WOD CrossFit Games Open 14.1 10min AMRAP 30 Double Unders 15 Snatch 75/55 or 65/45 Coach's note: This workout ill wrap up 5 weeks of previous open testing. Next week will be 16.1 on Friday. Push for a high amount of intensity during this workout, we want to see improvement from 2014 and this is a fantastic tester going into the 2016 season. With the small amount of double unders, push everyone towards doing so. In 2014 there wasn't a scaled version with single unders. Enjoy, push hard, and get those scores on the board. Reminder: The snatches in the WOD do not have to be squatted.
Warm Up Plantar Fascia Smashing w/ Lax Ball Dynamic Flex Activation Single Arm KB Swing 5/5 Hollow Rock x10 x3 Strength A1) Single Leg Deadlift 4x5/5 A2) Single Arm DB Press 4x5/5 WOD 5 sets each 1:30 5 Shuttle Run With Touch AMRAP Jumping Pull Ups Rest 1:30 Post WOD Coach's mobility Coach's note: The goal is to be as consistent as possible on during the WOD. Go hard on the shuttle runs and give yourself enough time on the jumping pull ups. Athletes should choose a bar that they actually need to jump to. Warm Up
Ankle Mobility Ladder Drills Pre WOD A) 10-15 Minutes Working On Pistol Progressions B) 4x1 Sled Sprints WOD AMRAP 1 Minute Power Cleans 155/105 Right into.. AMRAP 14 4 Running Laps 5 Mi5 Makers 40/25 6 Knees 2 Chest Post Wod Frog Stretch 2 min. Coach's note: Lots of skill work today, take time to get the ankles mobilized and work on pistol progressions and regressions. All of the practice time should happen THEN the sled sprints should follow. The sled should not be very heavy, keep it light and make it a sprint! For the WOD, athletes will have two scores. The first score will be how many power cleans are completed in the first minute of the workout. The second score will be how many rounds are completed in the AMRAP. Coach's should set the clock for 15 minutes and let it run. Warm Up
Chest Stretch Dynamic Flex Activation I's, Y's, T's Strength A1 Deadlift 3x5 A2 Wt. Chin Up 3x5 WOD For time: 21-18-15-12-9 KBS 72/44 H.R Push Up Coach's note: Todays strength is relatively low volume so push for big numbers on the 15 reps. Athletes should go back and forth between exercises, feel free to use med balls, dumb bells, or kb's for the weighted chin up. Warm Up
Front Rack Mobility Dynamic Flex Activation Row 250m 10 Push Ups x3 Strength EMOMX10 1 Hang Clean + 1 Jerk WOD Buy In: 1000m Row 2RFT 16 Front Squats 155/105 *From the ground 32 Med Ball Sit Ups 20/14 GET SIGNED UP FOR THE OPEN!! Warm Up Dynamic Flex Activation Tabata Double Unders Pre Wod EMOMX8 6-8 T2B WOD AMRAP 20 100M Farmer Carry 50 DU's 10 Burpee Box Step Overs 20inch Extra Credit 50 Elevated Ring Rows Coach's note: Take some time today and coach up the toes to bar movement. It is almost guaranteed that they will show up in the open. Coach the kip and other progressions. The Pre WOD isn't meant to be exhausting, but rather a practice period. Athletes may choose their weight on the farmer walk, however, I want everyone doing step overs instead of box jumps today. If there is time left over, hit the extra credit, if not, no worries! Warm up
Banded Lat Stretch 2 min/side Coach's Dynamic Flex Activation Broad Jump x5 Active Bar Hang x5 x3 WOD 21-15-9 Right Arm Russian KBS 53/35 Left Arm Russian KBS Box Jump 24/20 REST 9-15-21 Double Under Strict Pull Up Extra Credit 3RNFT 10 BB Bent Over Row 5 Strict T2B Coach's note: 6:30 WOD will be held in the back room due to the gymnastics work shop. There is not a strength portion today so push the intensity on the WOD. The first WOD will be intense and fast, however, the second one may be slower due to the strict pull up factor, and that's okay! If left over time, get the athletes doing some horizontal pulling. Keep the rest between workouts under 8 minutes and make sure everyone starts at the same time. Warm up
Mobility Squat Mechanics Dynamic Flex Activation 8 Goblet Squats 16 Plank & Reach x3 Strength Back Squat 3x5 WOD CrossFit Games Open 14.4 AMRAP 14 60 Cal Row 50 T2B 40 Wall Ball 20/14 30 Cleans 135/95 or 115/65 20 C2B Pull Ups *If you complete the chest to bar pull ups, start back up again at the top. Coach's note: Today's strength is very low volume wise but this doesn't mean the weight should be lowered. Athlete should get in 3 heavy sets of 5. Take time to warm up and get in that 90 percent range. The WOD today is another previous open workout. We have been testing open workouts for the past 5 weeks in preparation for the announcement of 16.1 at the end of the month. Athletes will need to have a "waterfall" start due to the amount of rowers we have. DO NOT START ATHLETES AT DIFFERENT EXERCISES. This will take away from the intended stimulus of the workout. The score is the total number of reps completed. Enjoy! Warm Up
Dynamic Flex Mobility Activation Bear Crawl 25m TRX row x10 x3 Strength Work Up To a Heavy 3 Rep Bench Press WOD 12min AMRAP Overhead Plate Walking Lunge 45/25 (20 steps) HSPU, Wall Walk, H.R Push Up (5 reps) Coach's note: Lots of shoulders today. Prep the athletes by warming shoulders up and getting their bodies warm rather quickly. The WOD will be decided by ability level. Athletes should perform a walking lunge in any direction of the gym, get creative, walk anywhere you would like. The next movement will be decided by the coach on what best suits the athlete. First option would be strict or kipping HSPU. The next movement would be wall walks, and the third movement would be H.R Push Ups. This WOD is a big test of shoulder stability and shoulder strength, get after it! Warm up
Coach's game Activation EMOMX10 ODD :15 L-Hang EVEN :15 Hollow Hold WOD 5 minute AMRAP Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20 Rest 4 minutes 4 minute AMRAP Shuttle Sprints Rest 3 minutes 3 minute AMRAP Power Cleans 145/105 Rest 2 minutes 2 minute AMRAP Wall Ball Shots 20/14 Rest 1 minute 1 minute AMRAP C2B Pull Ups Post WOD Group Stretch |
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